Saturday, April 5, 2014

Last week to POP

Having mixed feelings about POP. Initially, I was looking forward to POP, which marks the end of torturous training and lashings from commanders. But now, the idea of having to separate from my buddies is terrible. These 8 weeks of bonding, sharing pain and happiness together is really something no one can ever take away from me nor them. I firmly believe any male who survived BMT will relate.

Writing this in the wee hours of Sunday, ill and sickly, Im glad to say I never once regretted sharing myself to 14 buddies of mine. My favourite SGT once said, " Never gain respect through fever fear, but rather by common respect". I do hope that SGT remembers me.

Time passes, people come and go. What matters are not hellos nor goodbyes, but the interaction between them. Enjoy the process and reap the end results.

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